Well-Being and Wonder

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Support: Your WOW Card of the Week Message

Your WOW Card of the week, it’s all about support


I think I can. I think I can. I know I can.

I ask for help when needed.


Definition: give assistance, give approval, comfort or encouragement


Other: reassure, help, console, hearten


Opposite: neglect, abandon


You can take your “I’m ok” hat off now. It’s just me. Fall apart. I’m not going anywhere. THIS IS SUPPORT


I want you to know that someone out there cares.


Sometimes we need someone to simply be there. Not to fix anything or even do anything in particular. Just to let us feel cared about. THIS IS SUPPORT


Hey, how can I help? THIS IS SUPPORT


Someone to encourage you. Someone to pick you up when down. Someone to listen. Someone to hug you. Someone to be quiet with. Someone to laugh with. Or cry. THIS IS SUPPORT


You are not alone in this. I am here. What can I do? THIS IS SUPPORT


Support goes both ways. -To support others -To be supported


“No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” - Charles Dickens

How can you live life better by supporting yourself or another today?

Becky Wilbur, Silver Lining Special at Well-Being and Wonder. She is a woman who is wise-hearted and chooses to live with ease. Well-being is the vision which lights her way with peace and love. As an encourager, healer and champion for flourishing and contentment, she is honored to inspire others on their journey of change. She is a widow, and Mom to two girls and a mutt named Sadie from Modesto, CA.