Well-Being and Wonder

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Wish - WOW message of the week

Welcome to the WOW Card of the Week series. A new card will be featured every week for you to think about, mull over and maybe change something to make your life filled with well-being and wonder.

Welcome to our WOW Card of the Week - WISH

Wish Definition: To want or desire, to express a hope or choice for a specific thing.

Other: Yearning, request, dream, manifest

Opposite: Curse, dislike, begrudge

How do you CREATE a wish?
As children we are taught to make a wish as we blow out our birthday candle.

We also may have been taught to make a wish and throw a coin in a fountain.

Perhaps, you even wished upon a star…

The important part of a wish in the conjuring up of a desire deep within and making it known to yourself or others. It’s bringing a desire into your awareness.

A wish is like magic. A wish is hope for something better. Once you know what it is you desire or wish, you can focus on making that wish a reality.

Follow the prompt on the card.

Make a list of things you wish for right now.
Make a list of things you wish for in the future.
Make a list of things you wish for others or the world.


My Current Wishes
Vibrant Health
Celebrate Every Day

My Future Wishes
Vibrant Health
A Long and Joyous Life
Learning a new skill

Wishes for Others or the World
Feeling of “Enoughness” for all

After making these lists and thinking about what was a priority, I made this intention:

Today, I choose to celebrate my health and vitality. This is my wish and my desire.

Think about wishes and what they mean to you.

How can you use wishing for living life better?
Find the Good,

Becky and Janette

Originally posted on Jan. 15, 2020 written by Janette Stuart

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