Well-Being and Wonder

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Focus - WOW message of the week

Welcome to the WOW Card of the Week series. A new card will be featured every week for you to think about, mull over and maybe change something to make your life filled with well-being and wonder.

Welcome to our WOW Card of the Week - FOCUS

Definition: Pay particular attention to, able to see clearly, center of interest or activity
Other: priority, concentration, attention, concern, emphasis
Opposite: fuzzy, lack of definition, nebulous

The beginning of a new year is when many people set goals, make resolutions and start over. They choose a particular area of life to pay attention and concentrate on to keep these promises.

There are tips, tricks and how to’s available to help us adjust attitudes to figure out what is important to focus on.

One way of understanding what I need and want to see clearly in my life is a vision board. Cut out words and images from magazines and glue onto cardboard. It helps to zero in with your focal point that then becomes the focus.

A pro/con list works when you are contemplating your life, making choices and decisions. You write the positive and negative reasons, facts and feelings and it often can bring a solution quickly.

Example I am thinking about today:

Kelly moved to her own apartment recently which leaves me living alone in a gigantic home. I am trying to decide If I should sell our home after 21 years.

PROS of selling house….
- Lived here a long time, many memories.
- Smaller space to clean.
- Too much upkeep for house including pool and lawn.
- Too big for just me, does not fit my energy anymore.
- Sadie and the stairs.

CONS of selling house…
- Lived here a long time, many memories.
- Lots of work to declutter.
- Garage is full of Dennis’s stuff, hard to sort.
- Cost more $$$$$ to live in a smaller place.
- Figure out WHERE to live.
- Rent or Buy?
- Timing?
- Recently replaced Heater, A/C, water heater, toilets, pool pump and sweep.
- Easier to stay and not change.
- Have to figure it all out.

Even though there are more cons than pros, the weight of the pros win. The focus I used helped me realize that it is time to start the process of selling the house.

Other ways to focus are to use meditation, quiet time, rules of what has to be accomplished before doing something else, ask for help, and no phone or social media. Concentration can help me know what I need to do.

Focus can help you deliberately live life better.
How can you use focus in living life better?

Find the Good,

Becky and Janette

Originally posted on Jan. 23, 2020 written by Becky Wilbur

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