Well-Being and Wonder

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Adapt - WOW message of the week

Welcome to the WOW Card of the Week series. A new card will be featured every week for you to think about, mull over and maybe change something to make your life filled with well-being and wonder.

Your Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance Card of the Week Jan. 29 - Feb. 4, 2023 is here!

Adapt Definition: Modify, change, adjust, improve
Other: Flexible, resilient, accommodate, compromise
Opposite: Clash, resistant, fail

How do you Adapt?

As humans we are often resistant to change. We like things that are predictable and familiar. We like ease and comfort.

The world throws us many curveballs during the course of our days: things that seems out of our control. These curveballs necessitate change.

How we respond to change is a choice. We can react and resist the change, or we can respond and adjust to new requirements, conditions or scenarios.

Our power is in our response. If we react, we are giving our power away to another person or circumstance. We are letting the change overpower us. It is a low energy reaction and can look like excuses or blame.

If we take a breath and respond, we are improvising and adapting to the change using our personal power. This empowered decision or response is a higher energy choice and looks like adjusting our attitude to find the good, looking for the lesson or silver lining to the situation.

Think back on a situation which at the time seemed like the end of the world as you knew it and in reality, it brought about a blessing. You probably can think of plenty of those occurrences.

Here are a few examples: a broken relationship, a loss of job, not getting into the school, job or housing you wanted.

Follow the prompt on the card.
Make a list of ways you have adapted to change.
Make a list of ways you have resisted change.


Ways I Adapt

Accept my diagnosis and focus on healing
See the beauty in my neighborhood
Choosing life enriching foods

Ways I Resist Adapting

Spending my precious life force energy on asking why or how something occurred
Focusing on garbage in the street or unkempt houses…
Eating foods that taste good when I want to eat more veggies

After making these lists and thinking about what was a priority, I made this intention:

Today, I choose to adapt and make wise shopping and eating choices. These smart choices aid in my desire to live a long, healthy and vibrant life.

How can you adapt to living life better?

Find the good,
Becky and Janette

Originally posted on Jan. 29, 2020 written by Janette Stuart

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