Well-Being and Wonder

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Clarity - WOW message of the week

Welcome to the WOW Card of the Week series. A new card will be featured every week for you to think about, mull over and maybe change something to make your life filled with well-being and wonder.


Definition: Being easy to see or hear, certain or definitive

Other: Clear, lucid, sharp

Opposite: Vague, blurry, murky, obscure, confusion

How do you FEEL clarity?
Is it in your body, like a gut feeling?
Is it a knowing, just there?
Can you see the answer in sharp focus?
Or hear the solution, loud and clear?

Follow the prompt on the card.
Make a list of what you need more of in your life.
Then make a list of what you need less of.
You might be surprised at how they intersect and then understand what needs to be done.

Example I am thinking about today:

Time Outside

Computer/Social Media
Sugar/“Wild” Eating
Conflict in Family

After making both lists and thinking about the priority, I made this intention:

I will set a timer for every hour and get up from my computer to go outside and move my body.

Think about clarity and what it means to you.
How can you use clarity for living life better?

Find the Good,

Becky and Janette

Originally posted on Jan. 8, 2020 written by Becky Wilbur

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