Well-Being and Wonder

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Healing - WOW message of the week

Welcome to the WOW Card of the Week series. A new card will be featured every week for you to think about, mull over, and maybe change something to fill your life with well-being and wonder.

Your Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance Card of the Week April 2 - 8, 2023, is here!


My inner healer knows what to do. I am healthy.

Definition: process of making or becoming sound or healthy again
Other: get better, improve, mend
Opposite: get worse, ill, harmful

Healing is definitely a BUZZ word at this time of COVID-19. This is uncharted territory and although it is easy to succumb to doubt, drama and fear there is another option. When the energy is buzzing in our bodies gathering still more information, we need to pause, figure out the next right move and proceed one step at a time.

This alternative attitude of balance, trust, ease and ongoing awareness can lead us to lifestyle choices which can be medicine. Invite your body to accept a new reality by taking good care of it, having a positive mental attitude and a strong spiritual connection. Stay in the NOW!

The point of power is always in the present moment.
-Louise Hay

We need strong foundations of sleep, nutrition, breathing, movement, stillness, being in nature, connecting with others, play and laughter. It is unrealistic to think we can maintain a perfect balance but by making adjustments we can bring ourselves back to center. It is easier to navigate challenges when we feel good. Quiet the mind and listen to your inner healer. Turn on the medicine in your body using techniques that work for you. When we heal ourselves we help to heal the world. Raise your expectations about healing and then look for ways to make your vision come true. At this time we are also doing without hugs and invoking physical distancing so I am substituting blessings, for my girls, family, friends and the world. I spend time each day sending these blessings.

A blessing is a circle of light drawn around a person to protect, heal and strengthen.
-John O’Donohue

Books I read and study:

The Healer Within-Roger Jahnke, O.M.D.
You Can Heal Your Life-Louise Hay
Eat Well MoveWell Live Well-Roland & Galina Denzel
The Well Life- Briana and Dr. Peter Borten

Affirmation I am using at this time:

I am well.
I am safe.
I am strong.

May you know the magic of your inner healer to continue living life better.
Find the Good,
Becky and Janette

Originally posted on April 1, 2020, written by Becky Wilbur

We share uplifting messages of Well-Being and Wonder for Living Life Better. Find out about Well-Being for ME in 2023. A year-long program of self-discovery to Live Life Better through peace, love, joy, and ease HERE.