Well-Being and Wonder

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DREAM - Your WOW message of the Week

Welcome to the WOW Card of the Week series. A new card will be featured every week for you to think about, mull over, and maybe change something to fill your life with well-being and wonder.

Your Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance Card of the Week May 28, 2023 through June 3, 2023, is here!


If you could do or be anything, what would it be?

Definition: a cherished aspiration, ambition or idea
Other: desire, wish, hope, intention
Opposite: apathy, indifference, contentment

Everything starts with a dream.
The vision of a new reality.
A possibility in the making.
A strongly desired goal or purpose.
A wish your heart makes.

Become your own dream detective and figure out what it is that you love and want more of in your life.
Sit in the stillness and quiet.
Think of what your life could be if there were no boundaries on the possibilities.

What image is created by your imagination?
What sensations are occurring in your mind?
What area of your life is calling for a dream?

Unlocking your dreams comes with the willingness to change, commit and clear the way by setting goals and taking action.

Don’t be pushed around by the fears in your mind,
Be led by the dreams in your heart.
-Roy T. Bennett

Every dream precedes a goal which needs determination, dedication, self-discipline and effort to make progress towards the end result. Dreams can come true if we have the courage to figure out what is important and then do it. By living a lifestyle that is conducive to making our dreams a reality, we encourage others to reach out for their dreams also.

A dream helps to inspire, gives us hope, and fill our lives with purpose. It shapes our everyday life with intention and becomes a way of living life better.

Find the Good,
Becky and Janette

Originally posted on May 27, 2020, written by Becky Wilbur.

We share uplifting messages of Well-Being and Wonder for Living Life Better. Find out about Well-Being for ME in 2023. A year-long program of self-discovery to Live Life Better through peace, love, joy, and ease HERE. It’s not too late to join us.