Well-Being and Wonder

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A Word About Being in the Middle and Declaring Devotion

Your Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance Card for Living Life Better will be on HIATUS this week. There are so many words out in the world right now, circulating, enticing, emoting and invoking.

Words like hope, commitment, freedom. Every week Well-Being & Wonder strives to instill encouragement and make you think about living life better, for YOU and the world.

We are in Week 24 of this year.
Not quite the middle of the 53 weeks that make up 2020.
June is the middle of the year.

We are in the middle, not the beginning or the end of many circumstances and situations. We are in the middle of a global pandemic, financial uncertainty, and civil unrest including protests for change, much hostility and public safety in question in many areas.

We are in the middle of life-changing happenings, events, crisis, attitudes and it is probable that we are not feeling centered and calm. I know I am not. Trying to live peacefully does not mean you don’t feel pain, sadness and grief. No practice, no meditation, no discipline makes you immune from experiencing the challenges of life.

Between extremes is something intermediate, the middle or center.

Not everything is hard.
Not everything is easy.
Not everything hurts.
Not everything feels good.
Not everything feels sad.
Not everything feels happy.

Daily renewal to live with the intention to do better, feel better and be better is at the heart of our lives. The heart is kind of the middle of the human body. Our heart, that central portion leads us with love and compassion for others and ourselves.

What is the middle of the middle?
The dd letters in the middle are calling me to DECLARE DEVOTION!

I don’t want to live in the past. Regret keeps me stuck.
I can’t see the future. Worry will not change it.
I declare devotion to NOW.

The edge of beginning and end blend into the middle.
The middle is now.
Declare devotion to NOW.
Do better.
Feel better.
Be better.

Find the Good,
Becky and Janette

Originally posted on June 12, 2020, written by Becky Wilbur

We share uplifting messages of Well-Being and Wonder for Living Life Better. Find out about Well-Being for ME in 2023. A year-long program of self-discovery to Live Life Better through peace, love, joy, and ease HERE. It’s not too late to join us. This month we focus on CELEBRATE.