Well-Being and Wonder

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Listen: Your WOW Message of the Week


Do you hear me?

Definition: to hear something with thoughtful attention, give one’s attention to a sound
Other: hear, pay attention,
Opposite: ignore, tune out, deaf

Is there a difference between listen and hear?

Listen processes the sound and to hear is tuning in to the message.
One is a biological function, the other includes attention and understanding.
And vice versa.
And maybe interchangeable.
Is there a difference?

I can listen to a song with my physical ear but do I hear the message intended?
I can listen to a conversation but do I hear the unsaid words?
I can listen to my intuition but do I take action on what I hear?
I can listen to my body but is that enough, or do I need to hear the lesson?
I can listen to the sounds all around me from Mother Earth but do I honor the poetry of delight?

Have you ever asked a person to pay attention to what you are saying?
Please listen.
I need you to hear me.
I want you to take in my words and understand.

Sometimes when someone asks us to listen we immediately jump to how can I help, what can I fix, what are the next wise words I can offer in this conversation? And really we just need to listen. And listen more.

To be heard can be life-changing. To see someone nod their head, eyes focused on you but saying nothing, knowing you will figure it out. Or a pause in a conversation on the phone, waiting for you to understand you are not only listening but hearing with understanding.

Listening is a powerful tool in relationships, from strangers to lovers. Listening is often the only thing needed to help someone.

Listening to your heart is hearing from within you. No one else. It’s just you. Are you hearing the message you need in the stillness of the present moment? Sometimes there is nothing else you can do but listen. No action required. To listen is the awareness of NOW.

I have been going on wood walks lately. At the park I walk from tree to tree, touching the bark and waiting for the message. Sometimes the breeze drops a hint of change coming, or the pine cone delivers hope while I am listening to my heart and intuition. No one but me is speaking and hearing what I need in those moments.

Listen has the same letters as silent.
There can be silence in listening.
Listening is about being present, not just about being quiet though.

I saw a meme the other day that said we have two ears and a mouth so we need to listen twice as much as we talk. Seems like good advice. Are you a good listener? Do you hear the message and understand what is being offered? Or are you really thinking about what you will say to fix the situation or prove you know more? Listening to the pain and change that many are feeling in these challenging and uncertain times will take courage and patience.
Do you hear me?

Find the Good,
Becky and Janette

Originally posted on June 24, 2020, written by Becky Wilbur.

We share uplifting messages of Well-Being and Wonder for Living Life Better. Find out about Well-Being for ME in 2023. A year-long program of self-discovery to Live Life Better through peace, love, joy, and ease HERE. It’s not too late to join us. This month we focus on CELEBRATE.