Well-Being and Wonder

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Beauty: Your WOW Message of the Week

Here’s your Words of Wisdom (WOW) Message of the week.


It’s everywhere.

Definition: Exquisite, gorgeous, attractive, lovely

Other: Stunning, pretty, easy to look at

Opposite: Hideous, decimated, grotesque

In this week’s guidance, we are focusing on the beauty we find in the natural world. Yes, it’s everywhere. Yet the thing is that we need to be aware enough to notice it.

Beauty is a precious gift from the Divine to delight and enrich our lives.

A friend of mine was recovering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and was guided to look for beauty in her midst every day and photograph and document it for a year.

Her first photo was a shot of the clouds and a rainbow that she sensed was a gift to her. This was just the healing elixir she needed to reawaken her sense of love, gratitude, and connection. Her project was called Choosing Beauty and you can find out more here. https://livlane.com/about-the-blog/

I love to go for a morning walk with my dog and see the beauty in my neighborhood. I could choose to focus on the overgrown yards, garbage, and decay but I choose to be on the lookout for beauty, and each and every day I find it.

Sometimes the beauty is a tree, plant, animal, or a nice encounter with a neighbor.

These walks are daily meditations where I look for beauty, inspiration, and delight to fill up my heart and soul. It enlivens and enriches me. You could call it “walking self-care.”

Today, I found two lush, thriving bushes growing out of a crack in the sidewalk. They were remarkable. A true example of “Bloom where you are planted.” The day before, I observed a beautiful hibiscus that made me stop and look deeper at her beauty.

Any way you choose to look for beauty in your midst is up to you. You could look online for images, take a walk, look out the window, go to a local nursery or park, or a thousand other options. You could take a picture, write about it, tell someone about it, or whatever tickles your fancy.

Remember, beauty is everywhere and is a gift to enrich your life.

Today, take a moment to notice something beautiful in your midst as you Live Life Better.

Find the Good,
Becky and Janette

Originally posted on July 1, 2020, written by Janette Stuart.

We share uplifting messages of Well-Being and Wonder for Living Life Better. Find out about Well-Being for ME in 2023. A year-long program of self-discovery to Live Life Better through peace, love, joy, and ease HERE. It’s not too late to join us. This month we focus on CELEBRATE.