The new year is here…
Embark on a life-changing adventure in *Deep Dive in Twenty Twenty-Five,* a year-long online voyage designed to help you live your best life. With your ticket to paradise in hand, get ready to set sail into a world of Well-Being and Wonder.
Each month brings a fresh “port of call,” each with a unique focus—like loving yourself more, nurturing creativity, deepening appreciation, and exploring your dreams and desires. We invite you to begin this voyage of inner discovery by first giving yourself grace. You have everything you need for this journey; your travel passport provides access to all kinds of wonder and delight along the way.
Let yourself off the hook from doing anything perfectly on this journey. This is your stress-free zone, a safe harbor to grow and stretch at your own pace. The monthly curriculum is designed to be empowering, not overwhelming, so you can skip anything that doesn’t resonate with you. This year, let’s remove “should” and “have to” from your vocabulary.
Join us on this incredible voyage to connect, create, and elevate your life. The adventure awaits!
What will this program bring to your life? Imagine stepping into each day feeling more empowered, present, and aligned with your highest potential. This journey is all about living your best life with purpose and joy.
How does it work? Every month, we dive into a meaningful theme like *Loving Yourself Better*, *ME Camp*, *Appreciation*, *Music & Memories*, and *Letting Go*, each designed to inspire growth and connection. We gather monthly on Zoom, creating a warm, supportive space with a small circle of like-minded women.
Plus, there’s a beautifully designed, spiral-bound workbook available as an optional companion, loved by many participants for its hands-on guidance.
Your “Divemasters” are Becky Wilbur and Janette Stuart of Well-Being and Wonder, and we’ll journey these uncharted waters with you.
In 2018, Becky Wilbur and Janette Stuart joined forces to create Well-Being and Wonder, whose mission is to Live Life Better through peace, love, joy, and ease. They promote ways to live life better and find the good on this journey called life.
They host live events, online workshops and promote Living Life Better through social media, blogs, and their inspirational card deck.
Becky Wilbur, Silver Lining Specialist, Whateverist, Passionate about Feeling Good and making a difference. She's a Life-long Learner. Vision Boards, Party Planning, and Ease are her superpowers.
Janette Stuart, Emissary of Joy, Pancreatic Cancer Survivor, Best-Selling Author, and Gentleness and Joy are her superpowers.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
What is the Deep Dive 2025?
It's a year-long journey of inner discovery to assist you in Living Life Better. Our guidebook is 154 pages of goodness to benefit body, mind, and spirit. You can dive into each monthly “port-of-call” at your own pace and join us for our monthly Zoom gatherings or catch the recordings. Monthly content is sent via email.
How do I sign up for the Deep Dive 2025?
Signing up is easy. Here’s the LINK or click the button below.
How does the Deep Dive work?
Once you purchase your Deep Dive in Twenty Twenty-Five you will be signed up to receive the monthly emails which unveil each module. There is a private Facebook Group you'll be invited to join where we will interact more in-depth. There are also Live Events and workshops on Zoom to help support your journey. We'll also offer discounted coaching/mentoring sessions if you'd like the additional support.
How will the Deep Dive 2025 benefit me?
Imagine how mastering key areas of your life, such as loving yourself better, creativity, deep unshakable _______ fill in the blank (joy, faith, peace, gratitude) along with music and memories, ME Camp, and appreciation, just to name a few will benefit you and every relationship you have. Our tools, tips, and tidbits give you fuel for Living Life Better.
What if I fall behind or can’t keep up with the monthly curriculum?
No need to worry! This program is designed to be stress-free and flexible. You can work at your own pace and skip anything that doesn’t resonate with you. Each month’s focus is meant to inspire and empower, not overwhelm. Give yourself grace and enjoy the journey on your terms. EASE is a key guidepost in our journey.
Do I need specific skills or prior experience to join this program?
Not at all! This voyage is open to everyone, no matter where you are on your path. You have everything you need to start— just bring an open heart and a willingness to explore.
How will I connect with others in the program?
We’ll meet monthly on Zoom to share insights, support one another, and build community. You’ll also have access to a private Facebook group where you can connect with your tribe, share your journey, and find encouragement between Zoom sessions.
What topics will the Deep Dive 2025 cover?
Dreams, Loving Yourself Better, Letting Go, Growth, Deep Unshakable ______ (fill in the blank with peace, joy, faith, or your choice), Inspiration, imagination, and creativity, and that’s only the first six monthly “port-of-calls” these AND SO MUCH MORE…
Are there any additional costs associated with Deep Dive 2025?
You’ll be provided with everything you need via email, however, many of our sacred travelers enjoy having a copy of our spiral-bound 154 full-color workbook for ease. The cost of it is $25 and is optional.
Yes, all this for just $25 for the entire year!
PLUS, you can buy it for your friends, family or even your book club. Just click the button to get started.
Let us know if you have questions just get in touch with the form below!