Prioritizing Self-Care

Self-Care isn't just an occasional bubble bath or spa treatment, although both can be ways to nurture yourself. Self-Care is the way you honor the gift of your life and stand in your personal power.

Self-Care isn't selfish, even though that is what I was led to believe growing up.

It was a badge of honor to work yourself to a frazzle, and have a jam-packed calendar: going, going, going all the time. A good mother, wife, daughter, and employee put everyone else's needs first, and hers dead last. Giving, giving, giving, until there was nothing left.

Living from that place of deprivation, was awful. I would never treat anyone like that and yet, I lived in that place for many years. It was so much pressure and exhausting. I was so depleted that I ended up getting a health scare, which was a real wake-up call. Maybe you have lived in that place too, dear heart.

I love how we are shifting as a culture to give ourselves the gift of downtime, rest, and self-care is being spread far and wide. Self-Care is being normalized!

Make some time, just for you. It needn’t be a lot, even a few minutes of solitude will benefit you and those you love.

By taking good care of ourselves, we are great examples for the next generation as well as those we interact with. Self-Care not only benefits us, but it also benefits every relationship.

Prioritizing our self-care and "filling our cup" increases our energy, raises our vibration, makes us feel better mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and it also benefits all of our relationships.

Each Sunday, I like to remind others to treat themselves to some self-care and that they are worthy and deserving of this treatment. If Sunday doesn't work for you, pick another day that will become "your self-care day."

Here are some Self-Care tips you may want to try:

  • Go Outside

  • Rest

  • Create something

  • Play

  • Dance

  • Do something you loved as a child

  • Inspiring content

  • Unplug from technology

  • Have a favorite snack that brings you joy

  • Buy yourself flowers

Schedule some "you-time" now. Even 15 minutes of self-care can make a huge difference in your life. Grab your planner and prioritize your self-care now. You won't be sorry.

My friend, Becky, and I have a venture called Well-Being and Wonder and the mission is Living Life Better through peace, love, joy, and ease. We do this by offering inspiring content, programs, and reTREATS.

We're offering a year-long program called Well-Being for ME in Twenty Twenty-Three. It's an inner journey of self-discovery. Each month, we'll focus on a key topic beginning with clarity in January, and during August are taking a deep dive into the topic of self-care. Find out more HERE.

You can also sign-up to receive my free Self-Care Rituals booklet to give you more ways, tools, and practices to prioritize self-care in your life. You are so worth it, dear heart. Get your copy HERE.

Remember, self-care is not selfish. It is a way to honor the precious gift of your life.

Blessings of love, joy, and peace.

