Well-Being and Wonder

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Reset - WOW message of the week

Welcome to the WOW Card of the Week series. A new card will be featured every week for you to think about, mull over, and maybe change something to fill your life with well-being and wonder.

Your Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance Card of the Week March 19 - 25, 2023, is here!


Definition: begin anew, fresh start, clean slate

Other: move, readjust, recalibrate, balance

Opposite: blighted, out of alignment, unsteady

I feel like the entire world is in a reset mode with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) affecting so much of our daily lives right now.

Elders are being advised to stay indoors, children are home from school, parents, neighbors and villages are re-examining ways to get our basic needs met during these extraordinary times.

The world as we know it is basically shutting down for an extended period of time. At this writing, it is for 3 weeks, 21 days. Interestingly enough, a 21 day period is the recommended amount of time it takes to ingrain a new habit.

People are cooking and eating together at home. Connecting. Rekindling a passion for the simple things in life which are so very important.

We could moan and groan about the inconveniences of it all (and there are plenty!) spending our precious life-force energy cultivating the negative or we could treat this experience as a gift: a time of global and personal reset. A time of rest, re-examination and re-adjustment: a time of reset.

I am taking this opportunity of social distancing and sheltering-in-place as an opportunity to redefine my truth by digging deep and asking the tough questions and responding with love.

This is an inner process and by government decry, this unprecedented period of time is affecting us all.

Is it possible this time of connecting with those we live with is a social reset for the many years we have been going, going, going, doing more, more, more and have lost connection with our ourselves, our Source or our precious ones?

I’m asking myself questions like:

What is most important to me?
Do my friends and loved ones know how important they are to me?
Am I spending my time on the right or most important things?
Am I treating myself as a beloved?
What do I need right now?

We can use this gift of sheltering-in-place as a glorious gift to:

Start over.
Begin again.
Today is a new day.

How can resetting something today help you live life better?
Find the Good,
Becky and Janette

Originally posted on Mar. 18, 2020, written by Janette Stuart

We share uplifting messages of Well-Being and Wonder for Living Life Better. Find out about Well-Being for ME in 2023. A year-long program of self-discovery to Live Life Better through peace, love, joy, and ease HERE.