I do what feels good.
Your Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance Card of the week for Living Life Better.
I do what feels good.
Definition: Feeling of gratification aroused by something good or desired.
Other: Bliss, enjoyment, joy, delight.
Opposite: Misery, discontent, drudgery.
Pleasure is personal. What brings me pleasure, may make you yawn.
Our lives are meant to be joyful and pleasurable, sometimes we forget that. Sometimes we are too busy being a responsible adult or we allow the weight of the world crush our spirit, we forget about the importance of pleasure.
Pleasure can also mean giving others the time, resources or space to do what brings them joy. Being a good gift giver is to bestow the recipient with what lights them up, not what we find delightful.
Perhaps it’s been so long since you experienced pleasure you may have forgotten what it feels like. Today, make some time to revisit the topic of pleasure in your life.
Grab your journal, notebook or phone and write down what brings you a sense of pleasure. List 10 items. Now that you have your list of 10 items, circle one that you can do today and do that one thing. Think of it as pleasure homework or pleasure prescription. It might feel so wonderful, you may be able to do another.
If you feel you don’t have time for pleasure in your life right now, this message is especially important for you. We all can squeeze 5 minutes into any day for something pleasant which can totally improve the quality of our day. If you are too busy for 5 minutes of pleasure today, then it’s imperative you take 10 minutes. Lol. It will substantially benefit your sense of Well-Being and Wonder. You and your physical, mental and spiritual health will benefit not only you, but others in your life. This self-care benefits you and the world. It is not selfish, think of it as an act of public service.
What can you do in 5 minutes that lights you up? Here’s a few ideas:
· Put on a fun song and sing along or dance to get your energy flowing.
· Brew a cup of tea, coffee or another beverage that makes you feel good.
· Make something.
· Go look at nature right outside your door.
· Walk around the building you are in.
· Read something inspiring.
· Chocolate?
· Connect with an uplifting person.
Wishing you a pleasurable week ahead.
Words are so important to us. They are magnetic affirmations calling forth what we think, speak and write about. Join Janette for her free class to assist you creating your own word of the year. Visit here for more info. Save the date of Dec. 29, 2020.
Find the Good.
Becky and Janette
Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.