Now: Your WOW Card of the Week Message


Be present to this moment in time.

Your Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance Card of the week for Living Life Better.



Be present to this moment in time.  

Definition: This instant, currently, present moment, this second, today

Other: immediate, present, tuned-in, exact moment

Opposite: later, procrastinate, past, future

I used to wish my life away, thinking things would always be better “someday.” I used every future condition in the world. I would say, when I have a boyfriend, when I get married, when I have kids, when I get a raise, when I have the next certification class or seminar, when I find another job, when I retire…Maybe you have experienced this also.

I become aware of this habit slowly. I remember working with a guy who always talked about “when he retired” he’d do this and that and never stopped to enjoy the gift of today. He would do these elaborate calculations to figure out the perfect time to retire based on actuarial analyses. The sad thing is that he didn’t live beyond a couple of years in retirement. All that dreaming and planning for a far off time blinded him to the precious gift of his life in the here and now.

I caught myself in this trap during a family vacation to Hawaii. We were on one island for a few days and headed to another. I thought the next island will be better…and I caught myself and thought, What am I doing? I am on vacation with my family and I will enjoy THIS island for the gift that it is. It was a breakthrough. It was a start on my road to mindful and intentional living.

Could it be that the present moment is named that because it is a gift…a present?

When I catch myself looking to the future instead of savoring the gift of my now moment, I remind myself to stop…catch a breath…enjoy the now…because the now is the only moment that counts.

Grounding myself in nature really helps me being present.

How can you become centered and more aware of the now moment?

·       Stop, take a breath and come back into the present.

·       Enjoy nature.

·       Go barefoot outdoors.

·       Eat root vegetables.

·       Light a candle and enjoy its calming splendor.

·       Enjoy a warm beverage.

·       Meditate or do yoga, or lay on the ground (see how the animals enjoy earthing.)

·       Mindfully focus on one task at a time and being present.

·       Focus on be-ing instead of doing.

·       Savor this moment for the gift that it is.

We are not guaranteed tomorrow. We are not guaranteed the next hour or the next moment. The now moment is the only moment we have; savor it, celebrate it.

 Find the Good,

Becky and Janette


Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Ge…

Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.


Possibility: Your WOW Card of the Week Message


What if it all works out?


Your Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance Card of the week for Living Life Better.

Definition: potential, hope, chance, belief


Other: could be, can, faith, find a way


Opposite: impossible, improbable, can’t, unlikely, no way

The challenges of 2020 have made us all dig deep and reach into our inner strength and draw on our faith and hope that things will work out and get better despite evidence to the contrary.

We have done difficult things, experienced dissension at every turn, and still, we look forward to the promise of a brighter tomorrow. We have grown, we have adapted, we have changed. Give yourself credit for all of the ways you have shown up and shined despite it all. You have lived in the field of possibility, you have experienced a “what if it all works out” attitude.

We, humans, are wired to get up and try again. As babies, we knew things were possible, we knew we could walk, talk and get what we wanted, we didn’t let setbacks defeat us. We tried again. We lived in the world of possibility. We were strong, courageous, and resilient. We didn’t give up.

How can we live in possibility mode?

·       We can ask ourselves if there is another way to look at a challenge when we are presented with an unexpected obstacle.

·       What else is possible in this situation?

·       Have I experienced a similar condition or circumstance?

·       Pray to be shown to see the situation with a fresh perspective.

·       Spend time in nature and listen to your inner guidance.

·       Journal.

·       Spend time with an uplifting friend.

·       Look for ways to Find the Good. 

Here are a couple of great quotes about possibility you may enjoy.


“Extraordinary people visualize not what is possible or probable, but rather what is impossible. And by visualizing the impossible, they begin to see it as possible” – Cherie Carter-Scott

“All things are possible until they are proved impossible and even the impossible may only be so, as of now.” – Pearl S. Buck 

“Even the word impossible suggests, I’m possible…”  - Unknown

Our salutation each week is to Find the Good, it is an invitation to live in the realm of possibility and we are cheering you on.


Find the Good,

Becky and Janette

Your Word of Year meme.png


 Words are so important to us. They are magnetic affirmations calling forth what we think, speak and write about. Join Janette for her free class to assist you creating your own word of the year. Visit here for more info. Register NOW for Dec. 29, 2020.  

Find the Good.
Becky and Janette

Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Ge…

Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.


Pleasure: Your WOW Card of the Week Message


I do what feels good.


Your Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance Card of the week for Living Life Better.


I do what feels good.


Definition: Feeling of gratification aroused by something good or desired.


Other: Bliss, enjoyment, joy, delight.


Opposite: Misery, discontent, drudgery.


Pleasure is personal. What brings me pleasure, may make you yawn.


Our lives are meant to be joyful and pleasurable, sometimes we forget that. Sometimes we are too busy being a responsible adult or we allow the weight of the world crush our spirit, we forget about the importance of pleasure.


Pleasure can also mean giving others the time, resources or space to do what brings them joy. Being a good gift giver is to bestow the recipient with what lights them up, not what we find delightful.


Perhaps it’s been so long since you experienced pleasure you may have forgotten what it feels like. Today, make some time to revisit the topic of pleasure in your life.


Grab your journal, notebook or phone and write down what brings you a sense of pleasure. List 10 items. Now that you have your list of 10 items, circle one that you can do today and do that one thing. Think of it as pleasure homework or pleasure prescription. It might feel so wonderful, you may be able to do another.


If you feel you don’t have time for pleasure in your life right now, this message is especially important for you. We all can squeeze 5 minutes into any day for something pleasant which can totally improve the quality of our day. If you are too busy for 5 minutes of pleasure today, then it’s imperative you take 10 minutes. Lol. It will substantially benefit your sense of Well-Being and Wonder. You and your physical, mental and spiritual health will benefit not only you, but others in your life. This self-care benefits you and the world. It is not selfish, think of it as an act of public service.


What can you do in 5 minutes that lights you up? Here’s a few ideas:

·        Put on a fun song and sing along or dance to get your energy flowing.

·        Brew a cup of tea, coffee or another beverage that makes you feel good.

·        Make something.

·        Go look at nature right outside your door.

·        Walk around the building you are in.

·        Read something inspiring.

·        Chocolate?

·        Connect with an uplifting person.

 Wishing you a pleasurable week ahead.

Your Word of Year meme.png


 Words are so important to us. They are magnetic affirmations calling forth what we think, speak and write about. Join Janette for her free class to assist you creating your own word of the year. Visit here for more info. Save the date of Dec. 29, 2020.  

Find the Good.
Becky and Janette

Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Ge…

Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.


Radiance: Your WOW Card of the Week Message


What lights you up?



What lights you up?


Definition: expression clearly emanating great joy, love or health, sending out light


Other: illumination, glow, sparkle, shimmer


Opposite: darkness, gloominess, lackluster


Radiance is connected to physical energy. It is like keeping your battery amped and charged. It is about growing and expanding. It is about putting your best foot forward and feeling genuinely positive. Your life experiences can contribute to radiance or can dampen the shine.

It is the truth of who you are.

 Have you seen someone so happy that their happiness shows in their face? Or maybe you looked in the mirror and saw that sparkle in your eyes, that shining brightness?

·       It comes from looking for the good.

·       It comes from a happy mind.

·       It comes from love.

·       It comes from contentment.


Not all days are good. But radiance comes from the self-care that nurtures us from the inside out and makes even the not so good days a little bit better. The importance of taking care of our body, mind and spirit is what makes radiance reflect the light of our hearts out into the world.


When we fill the world with light it illuminates goodness and life can be dazzling. When we claim the light by being kind, compassionate and caring then radiance becomes visible to all around us. Beauty is a radiance that originates from within and comes from inner peace, security, and a strong character.


When we create connections, we are open to possibilities and can serve others in ways we have not thought of before. You can see radiance all around:

·       a mother cuddling with her newborn baby

·       the light streaming in a window and warming your body with sparkles

·       a groom gazing at his bride, with love, as she walks towards him

·       a friend holding your hand in a crisis and just listening

·       a sunset shared with a loved one


Love can light up radiance. When you understand who you are and live true to yourself, then life becomes full of radiance. Creativity arrives, leads to opportunities and the radiance of your being glows from within. Let your light shine as inspiration to others. Figure out what lights you up.


“Learning how to be still, to really be still and let life happen-that stillness becomes a radiance.”

-Morgan Freeman


We share uplifting messages of Well-Being and Wonder each week. Sign up for our Well-Being and Wonder Words of Wellness Weekly.

Find the Good

Becky and Janette

Becky Wilbur - Silver Lining Specialist at Well-Being and Wonder

Becky Wilbur - Silver Lining Specialist at Well-Being and Wonder

Silver Lining Specialist

Becky Wilbur is a woman who is wise-hearted and chooses to live with ease.   Well-being is the vision which lights her way with peace and love. 

As an encourager, healer and champion for flourishing and contentment, she is honored to inspire others on their journey of change. 

She is a widow, a mom to two girls and a mutt named Sadie from Modesto, CA.

Contact her at

Connection: Your WOW Card of the Week Message


Reach out.

Your Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance Card of the week for Living Life Better.


Reach out.


Definition: aligned, bond, relationship, united


Other: collaborative, commonality, friendship


Opposite: disjointed, outcast, apart, divided


A big part of connection is making the effort to reach out and make the desired relationship happen. It’s probably easier to do nothing, yet relationships take effort and work to make them flourish. It’s like maintenance on your vehicle.  Regular attention needs to be paid to your vehicle to keep it running smoothly and when something goes amiss, repairs need to be made. We can’t just neglect our vehicles and expect them to keep running along smoothly. The same is true for our relationships.


Regular attention needs to happen and the occasional emergency needs to be dealt with to keep our connections (relationships, bonds, friendships…) in top form. Having bonds with others takes dedication. Relationships, bonds or connections don’t just happen.


A friend of mine is an excellent promoter of connection. She sends cards in the mail to me and my family for all of our important dates, events, celebrations and grieves with us to. It is such a delight to receive these tokens of her love and adoration in the mail and it brightens the day of both the sender and the recipient. She sets the bar quite high. She is a master connector.


I received some disappointing news this week and shortly thereafter the mail arrived and low and behold I had a handwritten note from a woman whose beautiful words and gift of kindness, made all the difference to me. It changed the trajectory of my day. Her effort made a huge difference to me. Each act of love we do, sows seeds of goodness and sends out ripples of love into the world which grow and grow.


Here I am sharing that act of loving connection with you, inviting you to consider the same so that we all can benefit from improved relationships and connection in the world. Her small act of kindness has magnified itself exponentially. It’s a beautiful upward spiral of goodness and grace.


Another friend of mine is another promoter of connection. She finds fun ways for us to try new adventures together and keeps the dialogue going between a small group of life-long friends.


During this period of social distancing, connection has been even more important. Thank goodness for technology such as phone calls, texts, emails and Zoom. I sure miss the physical connection between my family but Zooming together has been a life-saver and connection booster to the three generations in our family. What a great invention. It helps foster our sense of connection and strengthens our family ties.


I’ve been meeting with a group of friends bi-weekly on Zoom since we can’t gather in person. Whoever can show up does and we benefit from our time together. It’s good medicine for our body, minds and spirit.


How can you begin or enhance your connections this week?

·        If you are thinking about someone, take a moment, and reach out and connect.

·        Plan a virtual or in-person gathering.

·        Don’t wait for someone else to reach out to you, take the initiative and go for it.

·        Send a card, text, email to someone who could use a little encouragement (ps…we ALL could use a little tender, loving care these days.)

·        Do a random act of kindness.

·        Ask someone going through a tough time how you can help them.


Humans crave connection and whither without it. Your connections are important. A little effort to love and nurture these connections and relationships pays huge dividends. You are worthy and deserving of having, cultivating, and maintaining blessed connections and relationships. Reach out, you’ll be so glad you did.


Find the Good.
Becky and Janette

Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Ge…

Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.


Delight: Your WOW Card of the Week Message


I look for the joy in my day.



I look for the joy in my day.


Definition: a cause or source of great pleasure


Other: thrill, gladness, elation, happiness


Opposite: dismay, disgust, displeasure


Delight is a feeling of great happiness that just zings right into your mind and body. It’s a feeling that brings pleasure. It could be a thrilling event or an everyday happening. Sometimes delight takes your breath away by the unexpected surprise.


Delight is an intention and a practice. To be in the midst of difficulties and still be able to pay attention that all of sudden, a hummingbird lands on a flower, right in front of you. There is plenty of awful in the world, but at the same time, you can savor, using your senses to tune into the beautiful ordinary. Close your eyes and imagine you are standing in front of the oven door pulling out a loaf of bread that you made (or as I do, use frozen Bridgford ready-dough). There is heat wafting up into your face, you see the perfectly brown crust on the bread, you smell the aroma of yumminess, you hear the bread knife saw through the bread and watch as the butter melts into the nooks and crannies, and then you bite into that warm slice of deliciousness. For me this is delight.

Delight makes me want to share, not just bread, but the feeling of contentment and camaraderie.


Science shows that what elevates us in the beginning can become baseline over time. Delight can turn into expectation which can lead to habituation by absorbing the good and bad into a new equilibrium. If you give someone flowers every week it might fade from delight to whatever to a chore that has backfired from your original thoughtful reason. Keep tuning into small wonders that have been missed in the day to day humdrum of life. Random acts of delightedness, like gifts for no reason and random thank you notes that are not a regular part of interaction are a way to uplift those around you. Not expected but introducing and spreading delight.


Start a delight pact with yourself by asking these questions. Make a list and every now and then incorporate a surprise delight for yourself or another to live life better.


-What brings me joy?

-What brings me pleasure?

-When is the last time I felt delighted and what caused it?

-How can I bring delight to others?

The art of being happy lies in the power of extracting happiness from common things.

-Henry Ward Beecher

We share uplifting messages of Well-Being and Wonder each week. Sign up for our Well-Being and Wonder Words of Wellness Weekly.

Find the Good (and the delight)

Becky and Janette

Becky Wilbur - Silver Lining Specialist at Well-Being and Wonder

Becky Wilbur - Silver Lining Specialist at Well-Being and Wonder

Silver Lining Specialist

Becky Wilbur is a woman who is wise-hearted and chooses to live with ease.   Well-being is the vision which lights her way with peace and love. 

As an encourager, healer and champion for flourishing and contentment, she is honored to inspire others on their journey of change. 

She is a widow, a mom to two girls and a mutt named Sadie from Modesto, CA.

Contact her at


Creativity: Your WOW Card of the Week Message


I was born to create, and it is such an important part of my life.


Your Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance Card of the week for Living Life Better.

Definition: original ideas, bring something into existence

Other: innovation, vision inventiveness

Opposite: dull, unimaginative, conformity, fear of failure

The origin of the word creativity, during the late Middle Ages, was “to form out of nothing”. It is the ability to express ourselves in new ways, stepping outside of the box. It can be how we experience life every single day.

Creativity is an attitude of mind. It is the mental capacity to generate novel and useful ideas and how to communicate them. It is like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger the skill becomes. Creativity requires practice.

Creativity is not necessarily just art, like painting or drawing. There are many ways to practice creativity:

·       arrange a vase of flowers

·       write a poem

·       compose music or a song or singing

·       choreograph a dance

·       problem-solving

·       plant a garden

·       learn a new skill

Creativity requires more than imagination. Imagination is the ability to think of things that don’t already exist. Creativity is the act of taking what is imagined and bring it to life. People who have ideas but never act on them are not creative. They are good at imagining. It is the first step to become creative.

The research shows many benefits from creativity:

·       reduces stress and anxiety

·       increased mood

·       heightened cognitive function

·       reduced risk of chronic illness

·       improved immune health

·       feeling of accomplishment and pride

·       enter your happy zone

·       sense of purpose

·       have fun

·       better problem solver

·       see things differently

·       deal with uncertainty with less trepidation

The first thing to awakening your creativity is to believe it is possible and that you are creative. Creativity requires curiosity, exploration and hard work. The acceptance of mistakes and risk-taking to think differently will be utilized often. Some ways to enhance periods of creativity are from time alone, meditation going for a walk, listening to music, dancing, journaling and travel. Motivation for creativity can come from your inner “muse”, boredom or trying to stay in the present moment or even a tight deadline. When we are involved in creativity we may feel like we are living more fully. There is no wrong way or right way to a path of creativity. Living life better with creativity leads to a life lived in technicolor.

Find the Good,

Becky and Janette

We share uplifting messages of Well-Being and Wonder each week. Sign up for our Well-Being and Wonder Words of Wellness Weekly.

Becky Wilbur - Silver Lining Specialist at Well-Being and Wonder

Becky Wilbur - Silver Lining Specialist at Well-Being and Wonder

Silver Lining Specialist

Becky Wilbur is a woman who is wise-hearted and chooses to live with ease.   Well-being is the vision which lights her way with peace and love. 

As an encourager, healer and champion for flourishing and contentment, she is honored to inspire others on their journey of change. 

She is a widow, a mom to two girls and a mutt named Sadie from Modesto, CA.

Contact her at
