Everything is Easy.
Everything is easy.
Definition: unrestricted, moving, open, being carried
Other: current, stream of consciousness
Opposite: stagnant, pinched off, blocked, clogged
A friend and I were talking about the concept of being in the flow and she said it felt like she was on a Fidelity investment commercial where the green line and arrow appear and show her the next right step.
I thought that was a brilliant description of being in flow. Another cool part of this story was that we were having this discussion while walking into the County Fair and low and behold, a huge long green line was painted on the ground showing guests where to walk and enter the admission gates. I also love how the background of our flow card is green, just like the green line in the commercial and at the fair.
Being in flow to me also feels like moving forward in faith, relinquishing control, not knowing what is around the next bend, but trusting and relaxing into the knowledge that all is well, that I am loved, supported, and protected every inch of the way.
Being in flow involves surrender and relinquishing control, not fighting it but cruising along on a virtual “lazy river of life” in an inner tube knowing I am supported by a force much greater than myself. It is being carried or guided.
Ways to know you are in flow:
· Things feel good and easy.
· You are breathing with ease.
· You can see your journey as a glorious gift even when things don’t go as planned.
· You use your heart as a compass to guide your way and make choices.
Ways to know you are not in flow:
· Overthinking. Living in your head. Trying too hard.
· Things feel difficult and as a struggle.
· You find yourself holding your breath and your body hurts from holding your shoulders, jaw, and face in tension frequently.
How can being in flow help you live life better?
Find the Good,
Becky and Janette
Each Wednesday we share another Well-Being and Wonder Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance card message on Facebook and via email. Come join us and click here so you don’t miss out on ways for Living Life Better.
Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers. www.angel-angles.com