Choose to lighten your burdens.
Definition: freedom from concern, anxiety; a quiet state of mind, absence of difficulty
Other: simplicity, peace, content, unconcern
Opposite: difficulty, hardship, trouble
Ease in my life is intentional. I want ease because I do not like feeling anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed. I’d much rather feel calm, aligned, in flow, and mindful. Ease is a process of discovery. It is surrendering to the things that are out of my control. It is accepting what I’m experiencing instead of resisting.
Ease takes conscious effort, to focus on myself, take action, and learn as I go. When feeling out of balance then it is figuring out what I need more of and want less of. It is getting clear on what’s important and then setting boundaries. Don’t wait unit you are burnt out or feeling completely overwhelmed to make changes. An attitude of ease can be a driving force in your life.
Put your focus on shifting your mood so you can notice many things going well in your life. Tools for transforming daily life will differ from person to person. There are many ways to alleviate anxiety and feel less worried.
Delegate-Don’t assume you have to do everything, other people want to help you.
Declutter-An organized home helps our mind not be filled with the clutter of “SHOULD.”
Do one thing at a time-Notice when you are multitasking.
Buffer in extra time-Not feeling frazzled with traffic or lines helps when doing errands.
Understand energy levels-Get to know yourself; work with preferences such as being a morning person.
Slow down-Your pace and body movement is a signal to your entire being.
Do not over commit-Schedule in white space taking time out to just BE.
No is a complete sentence-period.
Play, laugh, and relax-Add a little fun to your daily chores.
Grounding activities-Breath work, meditation, check-in with your body, and other mindful techniques.
Seek out those who share positive attitudes-Birds of a feather, flock together as my mom used to say.
Say thank you-Again and again and again, continuously.
The truth is, everything is always changing and nothing stays the same. Be prepared to figure out what ease means in your life. Incorporate the needed changes. Feeling calm, balanced and in control can be the ease you need to live life better.
Find the Good,
Becky and Janette
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Becky Wilbur - Silver Lining Specialist at Well-Being and Wonder
Becky Wilbur, Silver Lining Special at Well-Being and Wonder. She is a woman who is wise-hearted and chooses to live with ease. Well-being is the vision which lights her way with peace and love. As an encourager, healer and champion for flourishing and contentment, she is honored to inspire others on their journey of change. She is a widow, and Mom to two girls and a mutt named Sadie from Modesto, CA.