Definition: Inhalation and exhalation of life force energy. Respiration. Gift of life.
Other: Life force energy. Prana.
Opposite: Suffocated, inability to sustain respiratory function, life force absence.
The very act of breathing means we are alive. Breath is essential to life. The ability to breathe is the essential life function, the absence of breath signifies death.
As I prepared this message, we just hit day 30 of consecutive Spare the Air days here in California. There has been so much smoke in the air this month due to the multiple fires burning in the West. Combined with record heat, it’s been tough to breathe easily. Throw in the required facemask due to the virus that shall remain unnamed in this message, and breathing has been extra tough.
We’ve been asked to remain indoors with the doors and windows closed, restrict our electricity usage and to limit outdoor activities to bare essentials. This is just an added blow due to the challenges of the past 6 months of staying home and staying safe.
Thankfully, the sea breeze has returned, cooled us off, and cleared out some smoke and the fires are getting closer to being contained. Breathing is easier. Ahhh…what a relief!
When we are triggered by something, it’s common to hold our breath and to tense up. You probably know the feeling. Our breath becomes shallow, our shoulders find their way up to our ears, our back tenses up and we feel constricted. It does not feel good.
However, we always have a choice and can choose a better-feeling response by taking a moment to stop, center ourselves, and take a deep, beautiful breath, hold it, and exhale with vigor. Repeat 3 times. This simple act immediately floods every cell in our body with more oxygen and we feel better, more in control, more relaxed, less constricted, more in the flow of life. Try this next time you find yourself feeling angst, frustration, worry, or anxiety.
Below is a passage from my second book “On a Path of Joy”, Vol. 2, Day 22. It is an invitation to breathe in peace, breathe out fear. May it bless your heart as you focus on the gift of your breath.
“Today’s devotional is a loving, healing invitation for a peaceful action on your part, beautiful one. It can be accomplished anytime or anywhere today. Breathe in peace, breathe out fear. If you feel yourself facing fear in any way today, know that you can release it by exhaling it from your body and breathing in the peace of God.
Fear is present with us as a safety mechanism. Fear can keep us safe but it can also paralyze us from taking action. Fear is anything that is not love. The face of fear can take on many forms such as anger, unrest, frustration, depression, procrastination, indecision, criticism…
Today’s invitation is to “Breathe in peace, breathe out fear.”
May you be blessed in extraordinary ways today, beautiful one.”
Find the Good,
Becky and Janette
Each Wednesday we share another Well-Being and Wonder Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance card message on Facebook and via email. Come join us and click here so you don’t miss out on ways for Living Life Better.
Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.