Let Go. What heavy burden can you release?
Definition: give up control of something
Other: abandon, relinquish, yield, resign, waive
Opposite: resist, abstain, hold out, stand firm
Surrender is not failure or defeat or punishment. It is not a task to be accomplished with your mind. It is not an ending or a bad thing. Surrender happens when we know that we don’t know. We cannot think or see our way through where we are. It is giving up what we think should be happening for what is actually happening.
Surrender involves continuing to take action steps when appropriate while giving up means shifting all your energy elsewhere.
Surrender meets life as it is-right now. The situation doesn’t get easier or better but we feel better knowing we cannot fix it or figure it out. More effort, more doing, more thinking, more plans won’t work. We give up the notion that we should be able to or can manage the situation. That is clarity.
Surrender happens when we give up the belief that we can make REALITY different than it is. Let the illusion of control go. Acknowledge the reality. Accept the reality. That specific moment of surrender happens when it’s ready. Control falls away and takes us with it.
Eckhart Tolle’s surrender strategy:
-Change the situation (if you can)
-Leave the situation (if you can)
-If you can’t do either, accept it as it is.
Accepting the present moment of now results in the outer turmoil becoming inner peace. There is a balance between what we can control and what we cannot. There is a fine line between effort and surrender. Surrender happens. We clearly see what action to take and no longer need to micromanage the entire issue, problem or situation. The right helps shows up to lead you on.
IT IS WHAT IT IS….is one of my favorite mottos that I utilize in my life. It is surrender. It is knowing.
Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be. - Sonia Ricotti
Find the Good,
Becky and Janette
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Becky Wilbur - Silver Lining Specialist at Well-Being and Wonder
Silver Lining Specialist
Becky Wilbur is a woman who is wise-hearted and chooses to live with ease. Well-being is the vision which lights her way with peace and love.
As an encourager, healer and champion for flourishing and contentment, she is honored to inspire others on their journey of change.
She is a widow, a mom to two girls and a mutt named Sadie from Modesto, CA.
Contact her at