Calm: Your WOW Card of the Week Message


Be still. Feel the peace.


Be still. Feel the peace.

Definition: Centered, peaceful, serene, at ease


Other: Zen, relaxed

Opposite: Frenzied, rigid, tempest, tightly wound

Some thoughts that come to mind when I think of calm are “Be still and know that I am God.” All is calm…all is bright. What songs, verses, or sayings bring calm to you?

People may tell us to “calm down” (which never works, by the way, it just makes matters worse) or to “Stay Calm and Carry On.” 

We learn by example. Think about someone you know who is the definition of calm.  What sets them apart from others?  Is it because they live a charmed life and have no problems?  No, it is that they are using their inner wisdom to mindfully chose to respond to life’s challenges versus reacting. They are using their inner power and strength and not giving it away by letting circumstances dictate the course of their life.

Being calm is a choice. We always have a choice of either reacting or responding.  Reacting is our reflex, our automatic default, whereas responding is making a conscious choice as to how we behave or approach situations. 

Think about a hurricane.  There is a huge force of energy whipping about, rain, wind, thunder, lightning yet, in the midst of all the chaos, is the eye of the storm where it is peaceful and calm.  I love this analogy for our inner operating system.  Chaos can be swirling all around us and we can choose to remain calm and centered.

Think about your normal operating system, are you the eye of the storm (calm) or the raging wind and rain of the hurricane (chaos)?

How does being calm feel in our bodies?

·       Slowed, even breath

·       Relaxed belly, face, jaw, and shoulders

·       Open

·       Controlled

·       Mindful

·       Ease

 How does stress feel in our bodies?

·       Hyperventilating

·       Shoulders up to ears, clenched jaw, lips pursed, jaw set

·       Tense

·       Loss of control

·       Chaotic

·       Stomach in turmoil

 Look at these two lists and add what feels important to each.  We also want to give you some ways to shift from frenzy to calm.  

Here are some ways to increase our sense of calm.

·       Spend time in nature

·       Move your body, shake out the worries

·       Meditate

·       Nap

·       Bathe

·       Listen to peaceful music

·       Create something

·       Spend time with an uplifting person

·       Journal

·       Self-care, getting enough sleep, hydration, and nutrition

·       Ingest positive content

What are some of your favorite ways to shift to a calm state?  Today’s invitation is to do some of those things and embrace the calm. 

 Find the Good.

Becky and Janette  

Each Wednesday we share another Well-Being and Wonder Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance card message on Facebook and via email. Come join us and click here so you don’t miss out on ways for Living Life Better.

Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Ge…

Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.


Declutter: Your WOW Card of the Week Message


Outer order contributes to inner peace.


Outer order contributes to inner peace.

Definition: purging, letting go, releasing, clearing away.

Other: lighten up, visual peace, freedom.

Opposite: hoard, hold onto, stifled, chaos.

Both Becky and I have been decluttering our homes recently.  Perhaps you have too. 

Decluttering is an act of transformation and requires a lot of effort.  It is tougher on some of us than others. 

Just the everyday maintenance of balance in our homes is a task.  We’ve all been spending much more time at home and perhaps ordering more items online which comes with additional packaging to get rid of.  It seems we have so many cardboard boxes at the end of the week!  Thank goodness we have a curbside recycling program which makes disposal easier.

We are remodeling our bedroom this month. We’ve lived in our house for 32 years and have not been good about releasing items. We tend to hold on to things too long. We have way more stuff than we need.  We have boxes of our son’s toys from his childhood, books, and photos that require my attention.  The good news, it that we are making progress. 

Decluttering can be healing and invigorating.  The more you do it, the easier it becomes. 

My former boss shared a funny sentiment with me, our items are stuff, our partner's stuff is junk (to us.)  It’s easier to get rid of someone else’s items because the emotional attachment is not there.

I recently decluttered my workspace and the difference is dramatic.  Not only does it look better, it feels better. Clearing away has created a spaciousness that has enabled more creativity and prosperity to flow to me.  I am loving it.  I’m definitely feeling that outer order contributing to my inner peace.

Marie Kondo, Founder, and Author of “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” talks about releasing anything that no longer brings you joy. She invites the reader to hold an object in their hands and if it no longer brings joy, it’s time for it to go.  It’s a good question to ponder.  You can find out more about her process by visiting

Our items may have tremendous sentimental value or market value.  They may have no value to you any longer.  You can bless another person with your cast-off items or they can be recycled, repurposed, or disposed of. 

By clearing away the excess, we gain a sense of spaciousness, a feeling of freedom.

This week’s invitation is to do a bit of decluttering.  Start small, your purse, a drawer, your workspace, a computer file… I have committed to decluttering at least 15 minutes a day and I even manage to do that most days. 

Decluttering also applies to our hearts and minds.  What are we holding onto that no longer benefits us?  It could be time to release a grudge, forgive someone (maybe even ourselves), or a belief that weighs us down.  Are you tired of lugging that heavy burden around all the time?  If so, now is the time to release it.

How can the act of decluttering bring more peace, love, joy, and ease in your life?

Find the Good!

Becky and Janette

Each Wednesday we share another Well-Being and Wonder Words of Wisdom (WOW) Guidance card message on Facebook and via email. Come join us and click here so you don’t miss out on ways for Living Life Better.

Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Ge…

Janette Stuart: Best Selling Author, Certified Angel Card Reader, Blogger, Military Mom, and Emissary of Joy at Angel Angles with Janette Stuart which will assist you to own and embrace your Divine Beauty and live a life of love, joy, and peace. Gentleness and Joy are my Superpowers.